Rebuild All Couchbase N1QL Indexes After Restore

2 minute read

When restoring a Couchbase cluster from a backup, the restore utility is kind enough to recreate the N1QL indexes for you.  To improve speed and efficiency, the indexes are only created, they are not built automatically.  Before they can be used, you must execute a build command such as this:

BUILD INDEX ON BucketName (IndexName1, IndexName2, IndexName3)

It is important that this query be issued as a single command for all indexes on a bucket.  This allows the indexes to be built together, resulting in only one read of the data from the cluster while building multiple indexes.

The ProblemPermalink

Unfortunately, N1QL doesn’t currently offer a wildcard option, so there is no quick way to rebuild all indexes without typing the all of their names.  If you’re trying to script your environments for development or QA this can be particularly problematic, as the list of indexes may not be constant. It could also be a problem when creating scripts for a disaster recovery plan.

The SolutionPermalink

If you’re running on Linux (you should be for production clusters), the solution is to use this script:



for i in "BucketName1" "BucketName2" "BucketName3"
  /opt/couchbase/bin/cbq -e $QUERY_HOST -u $USERNAME -p $PASSWORD -s="$( \
    echo "BUILD INDEX ON \`$i\` (\`$( \
      /opt/couchbase/bin/cbq -e $QUERY_HOST -u $USERNAME -p $PASSWORD -q=true -s="SELECT name FROM system:indexes where keyspace_id = '$i' AND state = 'deferred'" | \
        sed -n -e '/{/,$p' | \
        jq -r '.results[].name' | \
        sed ':a;/.*/{N;s/\n/\`,\`/;ba}')\`)")"

  # Wait for completion
  until [ `/opt/couchbase/bin/cbq -e $QUERY_HOST -u $USERNAME -p $PASSWORD -q=true -s="SELECT COUNT(*) as unbuilt FROM system:indexes WHERE keyspace_id = '$i' AND state <> 'online'" | sed -n -e '/{/,$p' | jq -r '.results[].unbuilt'` -eq 0 ];
    sleep 5

Replace the QUERY_HOST parameter as needed to point to a query node, and replace the BucketName values with the names of the buckets where indexes must be built.  It will process each bucket one at a time, waiting for the indexes to be built before continuing to the next bucket.

The only depedency is the jq utility, which is a command line JSON parser. On Ubuntu, this can be installed via:

sudo apt-get install -y jq

The script isn’t pretty, but it gets the job done. Hopefully N1QL will get a wildcard BUILD INDEX command in the future.

Note: Revised 9/15/2016 to better strip header information from the query output before the JSON object. Previously it only stripped the first line, now it strips all lines until it encounters the curly brace starting the JSON result.

Note: Revised 10/24/2018 to support RBAC authentication for Couchbase Server 5.0, corrected a typo from the blog conversion, and support buckets with symbols requiring escaping (i.e. ‘beer-sample’).


